Trail city council reconvened at their chamber in city hall earlier this summer the first time since COVID-19 forced city council to conduct their sessions online. In attendance and self-distanced were (from left) Colleen Jones, Paul Butler, Carol Dobie, Sandy Lucchini, Mayor Lisa Pasin, CAO David Perehudoff, and Eleanor Gattafoni Robinson. Councillor Robert Cacchioni participated on Zoom, while Sandy Santori was absent. (Jim Bailey photo)

Trail city council reconvened at their chamber in city hall earlier this summer the first time since COVID-19 forced city council to conduct their sessions online. In attendance and self-distanced were (from left) Colleen Jones, Paul Butler, Carol Dobie, Sandy Lucchini, Mayor Lisa Pasin, CAO David Perehudoff, and Eleanor Gattafoni Robinson. Councillor Robert Cacchioni participated on Zoom, while Sandy Santori was absent. (Jim Bailey photo)

Trail green-lights wintertime purchases

Council gave their approval at the Sept. 14 governance meeting

The City of Trail approved vital public works purchases at its Governance and Operations Committee meeting Sept. 14.

Council entered into a three-year deal with Kleysen Group for the supply and delivery of winter road salt. Kleysen came in with the lowest bid in response to a Request for Quote sent out in August.

Kleysen quoted a fixed rate of $183.75 per metric ton, for a three-year period with an option to extend the contract by two one-year terms. The total price is estimated at about $40,000, with a projected savings of over $5,000, and is in line with the operational budget.

The city uses winter road salt to increase traction, melt ice, and improve safety on roads and sidewalks that can be treacherous in the snow and ice season.

Skid Steer: Council also approved the purchase of a Skid Steer loader for use exclusively at the Mountain View Cemetery.

The current loader has been in use at the cemetery approximately 80 per cent of the year, thereby limiting its availability for city work elsewhere.

The city received three bids after an Request for Proposal was sent out last month, and awarded to Trowelex Rentals and Sales. The quote was the lowest, coming in at just under $79,000 for a Bobcat S76, and was under budget.

City of Trail regular council meetings are scheduled on the second and fourth Mondays of each month with the exception of the months of July and August when meetings are held once per month on the third Monday of the month and in December when the meeting is held on the second Monday of the month.

Council meetings are open to the public. Since July, however, COVID-19 precautionary measures have been put into place including a five-person maximum in the public gallery.

Trail Daily Times