President Jim Harrold from the Trail Legion presented Mayor Mike Martin with a $2,000 donation toward the Trail Sk8 Park project. The contribution, made Monday night in council chambers, is very timely as park construction is slated to begin in a few weeks and it’s now Legion Week 2018 across B.C. and the Yukon in honour of the duty, service and sacrifice of Canadian veterans.

President Jim Harrold from the Trail Legion presented Mayor Mike Martin with a $2,000 donation toward the Trail Sk8 Park project. The contribution, made Monday night in council chambers, is very timely as park construction is slated to begin in a few weeks and it’s now Legion Week 2018 across B.C. and the Yukon in honour of the duty, service and sacrifice of Canadian veterans.

Trail Legion donates to Sk8 Park

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 11 donated $2,000 to the Trail skate park build

The BC/Yukon Command of the Royal Canadian Legion is hosting events in 65 communities across B.C. and the Yukon this week to celebrate Legion Week 2018.

“Legion Week builds festive momentum leading up to Canada Day and honours the duty, service and sacrifice of our veterans,” said David Whittier, Executive Director of the BC/Yukon Command.

“Drop in to your local legion and enjoy face painting, barbeques, concerts and all kinds of fun and entertainment for families and community members alike.”

Events are taking place across BC and the Yukon, bringing people from diverse backgrounds together to celebrate and learn more about Canada’s history. It is part of the B.C. and Yukon governments’ official proclamations of Legion Week as a testament to the dedicated community service of the Royal Canadian Legion, a cornerstone of Canadian communities for 90 years.

“During Legion Week and throughout the year, we welcome people from every corner of the community to visit their local legion to celebrate and learn about our country’s proud past,” said Whittier in a June 22 news release.

“Membership is open to all citizens and we encourage community members to join their local legion and participate in building Canada’s legacy of diversity, vibrancy and strength.”

For more information about the BC/Yukon Command, or to see what’s happening in your community for Legion Week, visit

Trail Daily Times