Presently in Canada, it is illegal to be in possession of a personal stun gun. Use of this tool is only licensed to federal and provincial police officers. The personal use of stun guns by unlicensed civilians is considered to be illegal and considered under the Canadian Criminal Code to be the equivalent of a weapon. Anyone found importing or in possession of a personal stun gun and is not a licensed law enforcement officer can be prosecuted under the Canadian Criminal Code. Photo: BC RCMP

Trail man faces weapons charge after police confiscate stun gun

The incident took place on Sunday near downtown Trail

A 31-year old Trail man is facing a weapons charge after being caught red handed with a stun gun.

Trail police were called to the 1400-block of Cedar Avenue at noon on Sunday to investigate the report of a man allegedly brandishing a weapon, a handheld stun gun device.

A front line RCMP officer conducted patrols and detained the suspect on Oak Street.

Police report the man handed over the stun gun to the officer, saying he had purchased it online.

The Trail RCMP will be recommending a criminal charge of possession of a prohibited weapon.

The Trail police advise that stun guns are a prohibited weapon under the criminal code of Canada and it is a serious criminal offence to possess one.

Trail Daily Times