Trail RCMP remind trick-or-treaters to take extra caution handling and consuming candy. Photo: Trail Times

Trail RCMP remind trick-or-treaters to take extra caution handling and consuming candy. Photo: Trail Times

Trail RCMP hand out Halloween safety tips

Locals are being cautioned that trick-or-treaters will be out after sunset on Saturday

  • Oct. 29, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Trail RCMP will be out patrolling in marked police vehicles on Halloween night with additional frontline police officers scheduled to work on Saturday, Oct. 31.

The police caution locals that sunset will occur at 5:30 p.m., which means that most trick-or-treaters will be walking around neighbourhoods in the dark.

With the pandemic at the forefront this Halloween, the Trail RCMP is offering certain safety tips regarding candy distribution.

“No touch candy” distribution tips include:

• Handle candy only with sanitized hands or wearing clean gloves or tongs while wearing a mask. This includes from the moment you open the box or package containing the candy you intend to distribute.

• Lay out the candy so they do not touch each other or individually bagging candy to help avoid too many hands from touching same pile of the candy.

• Leave candy in a spot that allows for social distancing and minimizes interaction with the trick-or-treaters.

• Install a six-foot candy chute pipe system to maintain proper social distancing or wearing a mask if handing out candy.

• Sanitize common touched items outside your entrance like handrail and door bells frequently throughout the night.

• Mark the ground with lines every six feet if you expect crowds.

• Remain outside in front of your house or at the end of your property when handing out candy.

• Having hand sanitizer readily available for trick-or-treaters and yourself.

• Take extra precautions when accepting or handling candy and before consuming it.

As well, the police advise trick-or-treaters to only include people within their social bubble and to limit their group to six people maximum.

Trail RCMP tips for homeowners or renters:

• Ensure your house is well-lit.

• Ensure your property is safe and clear of obstacles for foot traffic.

• Keep an eye on candles if used. You can use battery powered electric lights or glow sticks for pumpkins instead. Report suspicious activity and incidents to the RCMP.

• Make sure your pets are safe and secure indoors for the evening.

• Do not participate if you are sick or self-isolating.

Trail RCMP tips for trick-or-treaters:

• Trick-or-treat with a friend or in a group if you are not supervised by an adult. Tell your parents or a responsible adult where you are planning to trick-or-treat and when you will be back home. Carry a cell phone if available.

• Always make sure you are visible in the darkness. Carry a flashlight, wear reflective clothing or tape, or bright glow sticks or do all three. More is better! Check with another person to ensure you are visible in the dark prior to going out for the evening.

• Wear a proper fitting costume and dress for the conditions in addition to dressing up in your costume. Costume weaponry should be easily identifiable as an imitation. Avoid costumes that limit your senses like vision and hearing. Include a non-medical mask as part of your costume.

• Stay on the sidewalks or to the side of the road. Face traffic when you are walking down the road without sidewalks. Do not crisscross back and forth across the street. Use designated crosswalks and road crossings. Only cross the road when the light indicates you to do so.

• Only attend well-lit homes and skip the dark ones.

• Do not eat any treats during the night. Have your parents examine your candy. Do not eat any treats that are unwrapped or look like they may have been tampered with.

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