National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day launched the BC RCMP’s Counter Attack on Dec. 1. On that one day, West Kootenay Traffic Services handed out 18 roadside suspensions.

National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day launched the BC RCMP’s Counter Attack on Dec. 1. On that one day, West Kootenay Traffic Services handed out 18 roadside suspensions.

Trail RCMP take two drunk drivers off the road

The Greater Trail RCMP detachment began Christmas Counter Attack last weekend

Two impaired drivers were taken off the road last weekend when Trail RCMP geared up Christmas Counter Attack.

Related story here: West Kootenay police issue 18 tickets for impaired driving

Sgt. Mike Wicentowich says there will be a higher presence of police on the roads in Trail, Warfield, Rossland, Fruitvale and Montrose throughout December as officers increase the frequency of checkpoints.

“There will be more police officers out on the road conducting proactive roadblocks and traffic stops looking for impaired driving, distracted driving, seat belts, speeding, and other offences,” Wicentowich said.

“The RCMP remains committed to keeping our roadways safe throughout the holidays so everyone can enjoy theirs.”

During the first weekend of the seasonal campaign, Greater Trail RCMP checked 140 vehicles and issued a number of violation tickets under the Motor Vehicle Act.

Those included two 90-Day Immediate Roadside Prohibitions for alcohol impairment and a 30-day impoundment of both vehicles.

Additionally, one prohibited driver was caught and taken off the road.

“Please be vigilant this holiday season,” Wicentowich advised. “And report anyone you may suspect of drinking and driving to the Trail and Greater District RCMP Detachment.”

The Trail RCMP office is open Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. this month. The detachment number is (250) 364-2566.

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