Safeway will no longer be offering single-use plastic bags. File photo

Trail Safeway says goodbye to plastic bags

The store no longer provides single-use plastic bags

Trail Safeway stopped providing plastic bags at the checkout last week, becoming the second grocery retailer in town to halt the practice.

As of May 5, Safeway stores across the country did away with single-use plastic bags. Customers will now have to bring their own bags.

The store, however, has other options if you forget your bags. Paper bags can be purchased for $0.15. Or, there’s a variety of reusable bags for sale ranging from cloth bags to more expensive insulated carriers.

Ferraro Foods in Rossland ceased the practice of bagging groceries in plastic a few weeks ago in order to comply with a plastic bag ban the city enacted via bylaw May 1. Trail Ferraro Foods will follow suit once that store’s plastic bag supply is depleted. Paper bags are 15 cents, reusable bags are available for purchase, and to pack out groceries, there are usually cardboard boxes available from the box bin.

Trail Daily Times