Active transportation plan

Trail street upgrade postponed, becomes part of active transportation plan

By combining them, the city can access grants for up to 70 per cent of the Sunningdale 'Y' project.

Improvements to the Sunningdale “Y” pedestrian project have been put on hold until 2022.

Council reallocated $50,000 originally reserved for the Sunningdale ‘Y’ project towards the Active Transportation Network Plan (ATNP), and postponed the Sunningdale project, all as a means to a greater end.

“We recently became aware of a grant opportunity for Active Transportation Network Planning,” said Director of Public Works Chris McIsaac.

“It really came to light, because the Sunningdale ‘Y’ Pedestrian improvements capital project would fit ideally within this active transportation grant program as a whole if it was included as part of our Active Transportation Network Plan.”

The proposed Sunningdale project included the installation of a median or pedestrian island and rollover curb for enhanced safety at the crossing.

By combining the two projects under the active transportation plan, the city could access grant funding that would cover 70 per cent of the Sunningdale ‘Y’ project.

“So next year I would only be asking for $15,000 as opposed to a full $50,000 to move forward on the Active Transportation Network Plan. So hopefully that math makes sense to everybody.”

Staff had tendered out the Sunningdale project earlier in the year, however, did not receive a single bid, explained McIsaac.

“It’s just a busy year, there are a lot of projects on the market right now so it would be difficult for us to fit this project in 2021 for the cost we have, so I think it’s in our best interest to advance the plan, have a city wide active transportation plan in place that includes the Sunningdale ‘Y’ plan in 2022.”

The report indicates that staff will apply for the maximum ATNP grant amount of $50,000. This amount, combined with a city commitment of $50,000, will allow for the development of a robust city-wide ATP.

Active transportation entails anything that does not involve motorized vehicles, including walking, running, cycling, using a wheelchair or other mobility devices, skateboarding, rollerblading as well as winter modes of transportation like cross-country skiing, and snowshoeing, or water bases modes like kayaking, canoeing and paddle boarding.

Council passed the motion unanimously.

Read: Council awards contract for West Trail road build

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