The Trail Maple Leaf Band preps for its 100th anniversary celebrations.

The Trail Maple Leaf Band preps for its 100th anniversary celebrations.

Trail Times Year in Review: June

Review of June 2017


1 — Negotiations begin between United Steelworkers unions Local 480 and 9705 and Teck after the previous contract expired at the end of May.

5 —High water levels force the closure of the Gyro Park beach for an indefinite period.

6 —Warfield is hit with a rash of thefts as police report 13 thefts from unlock cars and one stolen vehicle. Police attribute it to the warmer weather and residents leaving vehicles unlocked and doors unsecured.

8 — Barb Leavitt is recognized with the Montrose 2017 Community Service Award to kick off the village’s annual Family Fun Day.

8 – The unions negotiating a new contract with Teck call for a strike vote as talks reach a stalemate.

14 —One person is dead and two are injured following a two-car collision on Highway 22.

16 —Union members vote 99.5 per cent in favour of strike action following a week of voting. The negotiators from both sides will meet with mediator Vince Ready at the end of the month.

20 —School District 20 will be adding 25 new full-time equivalent teachers to its classrooms for the next school year. The additions come in light of the Supreme Court ruling that restored contract language regarding classroom size.

25 —Thieves target local electrical shop Power Tech and steal van along with tools and equipment.

30 —A report released by the Rural Development Institute of Selkirk College’s “Age and Gender Update” shows the average age of the population in the Kootenays is higher than most of B.C. and Canada. The average age of Trail residents in 2016 was 47.1 years old. Warfield – 43.3; Fruitvale – 45.5; Montrose -46; and Rossland – 40.

Trail Daily Times