GREG WESSON (CENTRE) takes possession of his new home at Maple Pool Campsite. Cec Specht (left) and his wife Cathy donated the trailer to Wesson. At right is Dawn to Dawn outreach worker Grant Shilling.

GREG WESSON (CENTRE) takes possession of his new home at Maple Pool Campsite. Cec Specht (left) and his wife Cathy donated the trailer to Wesson. At right is Dawn to Dawn outreach worker Grant Shilling.

Trailer donation provides new home at Maple Pool Campsite

Dawn to Dawn seeking donations of more trailers and sleeping bags

Greg Wesson has a warm, dry place to live, thanks to the generosity of Cec and Cathy Specht.

The Courtenay couple donated a trailer to the Dawn to Dawn: Action on Homelessness Society, which has housed Wesson in the unit at Maple Pool Campsite. His previous trailer was lost in a fire.

“They’ve made such a huge difference in one person’s life,” Dawn to Dawn outreach worker Grant Shilling said. “It was such a happy day. I’m really happy for him.”

The 57-year-old Wesson arrived at Maple Pool several years ago after he was badly injured in a motorcycle crash. Once a self-employed stone cutter, the former Hornby Island resident had previously lived in a tent. He receives disability assistance.

Along with the Spechts, Dawn to Dawn extends huge thanks to Tyson Doucette of Georgia Straight Towing, and to the Comox Valley Monarch Lions Club for paying the towing charge.

Dawn to Dawn is seeking further donations of trailers — as well as sleeping bags — to help homeless individuals as temperatures drop.

“One trailer is a home for somebody,” Shilling said. “Right now the need is acute. I’m overwhelmed with calls in terms of people looking for housing. This provides a solution because it gives people a space of their own. They don’t have to share it with anybody. A lot of our clients say having their own space is critical.”

Dawn to Dawn founder and former board member Tom Grant created the trailer program, which has housed about 15 people. The society has gifted eight trailers. For more information, call Shilling at (250) 218-3136.


Gently used or new sleeping bags can be dropped off at AIDS Vancouver Island at 355 Sixth St. in Courtenay from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Thursday.



Comox Valley Record