Trans-Canada Highway in Yoho National Park scheduled to re-open

Mud closes highway

  • Jul. 23, 2011 6:00 a.m.

A mud slide has closed Highway #1, the Trans-Canada Highway, just east of the Spiral Tunnels viewpoint in Yoho National Park at 11 p.m., July 22, 2011. The slide, up to 6 meters deep and 70 meters in length, and consisting of mud, large rocks and broken trees, started on Cathedral Mountain before crossing the road. No one was injured

The highway is officially closed just west of the Alberta/British Columbia border to the town of Golden, British Columbia. Flagging crews are stopping traffic at Castle Junction. Travellers headed to points west of the Alberta/BC border will be diverted south along Highway 93 South to Radium. Travellers headed to destination between Castle Junction and the border will be allowed to continue on to their destinations. Those destinations include: Lake Louise, Highway 93 North to Jasper and Lake O’Hara. Eastbound traffic is being diverted in Golden.

Parks Canada engineers and an independent assessor have evaluated the situation. They have concluded that rock scaling must be performed to stabilize the slope on Cathedral Mountain. Once the slope is sufficiently stable, Parks Canada road maintenance crews can begin removing the debris. It is estimated that the Highway will re-open at 2 p.m. today June 23, as Parks Canada staff clear the mud, fallen rock and broken trees.






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