Transient issue going to be election item says reader

The mayor, council and CAO have been pushed and prodded into action since spring to do something, but nothing has happened

  • Sep. 13, 2014 10:00 a.m.

To the Editor:

Re: Village council provides update, Sept.4 Review:

The mayor, council and CAO have been pushed and prodded into action since spring to do something, but nothing has happened. A large door to door petition by Ted Douglas, a huge turnout at a council meeting at which I made proposals to rectify the problems, countless negative social media comments, many trips to the village by myself and many others speared by an upwelling of anger by the taxpayers didn’t launch them into action, but fear finally has.

I’ve been in constant contact with Angelique Wood, Area “G” Director, on this subject since early July, trying to have the RDOS make their land at the east end of Keremeos a park or a joint park with Keremeos. Out of this informal contact and Angelique’s motivation it was taken to the RDOS board and their new community parks service bylaw was hatched. This council has had three years to do something and they have hedged, procrastinated, waffled and deflected all remedy at every turn. It’s finally being addressed, not because of will, drive or foresight, but out of a real fear of losing their positions in the November polls.  For evading the issue over the last three years, this has now become one of the major issues and it’s not going to fade away before November, panic intervention or not.

Martin Menzies, Keremeos


Keremeos Review