Vancouver residents can get free transit passes in exchange for scrapping their old cars. (Supplied by TransLink.)

Vancouver residents can get free transit passes in exchange for scrapping their old cars. (Supplied by TransLink.)

TransLink offers up to $802 in transit passes for scrapping old cars

TransLink partners with SCRAP-IT to encourage people to trade in old cars for transit rebates

Vancouver’s transit body is partnering with a local green transport group to offer a rebate program that encourages people to trade in their old cars for transit passes.

TransLink and SCRAP-IT, a local orgazition which scraps cars in exchange for discounts on electric vehicles or transit passes, are offering eight-month adult 1-Zone or 14-month Concession Compass Card passes, valued at $802, to anyone who gives up their older vehicle.

“We are facing a climate emergency and we must all take steps to reduce our carbon emissions,” TransLink CEO Kevin Quinn said in a statement. “Partnerships like this help people make greener, more environmentally-friendly choices. By choosing public transportation you are helping reduce congestion and the region’s carbon footprint.”

TransLink says the program will help cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent by 2050.

The SCRAP-IT program has existed since 1996 and has scrapped nearly 53,000 cars, according to the organization’s website.
