The Columbia Valley Transmission project is moving along right on schedule according to BC Hydro.

The Columbia Valley Transmission project is moving along right on schedule according to BC Hydro.

Transmission Project moving ahead

The Columbia Valley Transmission Project is on schedule.

The Columbia Valley Transmission Project is moving ahead both on schedule and on budget.

This project which according to the BC Hydro website “is the most significant investment that BC Hydro has made in the upper Columbia Valley’s electrical system in almost 50 years. It will increase reliability of the electrical supply in communities from Invermere to Field and meet the area’s growing demand for power.

Judy Dobrowolski is a Capital Projects Communications and Consultatant for BC Hydro said all components of the project will be in-service  in October 2012.

“The new transmission line means safe and reliable electricity for businesses and residents for the next 30 years and beyond. In addition to bringing a much needed reliable supply of electricity to the region, the project has brought economic benefit to the region as local companies and contractors have provided services on several aspects of the project to date, including survey work and right-of-way clearing,” Dobrowolski said.

“Construction of the project has also generated employment opportunities in construction, supply of construction material, and indirectly to businesses within the surrounding communities. The project has already contributed over $24 million into the local economy through local contractors providing goods and services for the project. We have seen positive impacts of this project on the local economy already.”

As the project continues Dobrowolski feels the importance of local companies will still be valued.

“Services provided by local companies has been pivotal to the success of this project. The local companies and businesses have been involved in providing services such as right-of-way clearing and access construction and supply of material such as gravel, concrete, culverts, barrels etc. to fuel, accommodation, office supplies, food etc. Moving forward, local companies and businesses will continue to provide services and supply material as the project moves towards completion,” she said.

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The project is comprised of four main areas of construction: a new 230 kilovolt transmission line which is approximately 112 km long, a new 230/69kV Kicking Horse Substation, a new 69 kilovolt transmission line that will deliver power from the new Kicking Horse Substation to the existing Golden Substation and the expansion of the Golden and Invermere Substations and modification at Cranbrook Substation.

Dobrowolski explained why this is a project which has to be completed for the Golden area

“We feel that this project is very important to the Golden area. This feeling is also shared by many businesses and residents in the area. For businesses and residents, the CVT Project will provide the region with the reliable electricity needed to meet increasing demand and power economic development. It’s the same driving factor behind the project as when project consultation began in early 2009,” she said.


Golden Star