Transportation plan open house set

Transportation plan open house set

District of Mission is hosting the first of several Transportation Master Plan open houses on May 6.

  • May. 5, 2015 7:00 p.m.

The District of Mission is hosting the first of several Transportation Master Plan open houses to gather citizen input into transportation priorities.

Display boards and experts will be on-hand, and citizens can provide comment in-person, through a paper questionnaire, and online at

The event takes place at the Mission Leisure Centre (7650 Grand Street) on Wednesday, May 6 from 2:30 to 7 p.m.


This plan will guide transportation planning for the district with the following goals set out in the Official Community Plan:

  • Provide a safe, balanced and integrated transportation system giving consideration to all modes of transportation – pedestrian, public transit, private vehicle, bicycles and other alternative modes;
  • Provide an efficient, safe and pleasant road network to meet the existing and future needs of the community;
  • Support a public transit system that provides a convenient alternative to the automobile, and promotes transit-supportive land- use development;
  • Encourage walking within the community and provide for a safe, convenient and pleasant environment for pedestrians;
  • Support cycling as an important travel mode and work towards a comprehensive, District-wide system of trails and facilities for cyclists; and
  • Maintain and improve the multi-use and equestrian trails in the municipality.

The Transportation Master Plan is made up of five key components:

  1. Pedestrian Plan
  2. Bicycling Plan
  3. Transit Strategy
  4. Goods Movement Plan
  5. Road Network Plan


Mission City Record