The Chilliwack Downtown Business Improvement Association (BIA) announced Feb. 9, 2021 they had named Trevor McDonald the new executive director of the organization. (Submitted)

Trevor McDonald named new executive director of the Chilliwack downtown BIA

He "has skills to lead downtown forward, building upon many exciting things happening," says chair

Trevor McDonald, well known for his passion for Chilliwack, was just named the new executive director of the Downtown Chilliwack Business Improvement Association (BIA).

After “an extensive search” the Downtown BIA has announced its new hire, effective March 1, 2021.

“We look forward to working with Trevor as our new executive director, and we are confident he has the necessary skills to lead the downtown forward in a way that will build upon the many exciting things happening in downtown Chilliwack,” said BIA board chair Ruth Maccan, in a news release Feb. 9.

Raised in Chilliwack, the long-time entertainer/promoter McDonald “brings a wealth of experience, knowledge and relationships,” to his new role, including having emceed Party in the Park, and organized the Chilliwack Give-A-Thon that raised more than $100,000 and much more.

He is extremely passionate about Chilliwack, and the opportunity to help usher in the revitalization that is underway in downtown Chilliwack was seen as a “perfect fit” for the downtown organization.

As a result of his many community-driven efforts over the years, McDonald was honoured with the Stan Rogers Legacy Award from the Chilliwack Chamber of Commerce and the Paul Harris Fellowship Award from the Chilliwack Rotary Club, both attesting to his deep-held commitment to the community of Chilliwack.

“My niche is bringing people together,” McDonald told The Progress in 2018. “I’m a champion of Chilliwack’s downtown; I’m its biggest flag-waver.”

The Downtown BIA Board of Directors acknowledged that to “implement its mandate of revitalization and enhancing downtown Chilliwack, choosing talented leadership is integral.”

McDonald will replace Kyle Williams who the BIA “parted ways with” in late 2020 after seven years as executive director.

RELATED: BIA parts ways with Williams

RELATED: Trevor McDonald wins legacy award

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