Scenes from the 2011 Patos Island race. Emma, skippered by Eric Jespersen, finished first in the long course last year. This year’s Patos Island race begins tomorrow.

Scenes from the 2011 Patos Island race. Emma, skippered by Eric Jespersen, finished first in the long course last year. This year’s Patos Island race begins tomorrow.

Triple Crown series begins with tomorrow’s Patos contest

Sailboats will pass by Sidney Saturday for Patos Island race

Look for an Icon to stand out in the crowd during this weekend’s Patos Island race.

“It’ll be the biggest boat out there,” said Richard Ludwig, community and media relations for the Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club which hosts the 31st annual Patos Island sailing race this weekend.

“It’s out of Seattle, but it’s what they call a maxi-sled. It’s a very light sailboat specifically built for very, very fast passages,” Ludwig said.

The 65-footer takes up to 20 people to crew and is registered to race in the Patos Island long course.

“The big one is the around Patos overnight race,” Ludwig said. “The big boats, the fast boats, they’ll start coming in around 2 or 3 in the morning.”

The anticipated fleet size of 40 vessels will offer some stunning visuals for the public from the start-line off Sidney.

“It’s really exciting to watch the race start. They’re all in one place basically,” Ludwig said.

The two wharves at the foot of Beacon and Bevan avenues and the shoreline in that area provide the best viewing.

The action starts at 10:30 a.m., tomorrow, March 24.

The Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club’s Patos Island race marks the start of the Triple Crown competition rounded out by the Around Saltspring race and the Swiftsure.

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What’s next

• May 19 start: Around Saltspring Island Race, sponsored by the Saltspring Island Yacht Club.

• May 26 start: The Swiftsure, sponsored by the Royal Victoria Yacht Club.

Peninsula News Review