Cambie Gulick has been rescuing animals during evacuations for the Nk'Mip and White Rock Lake fires. Her truck and trailer was recently damaged during one of those rescues. (Facebook)

Truck and trailer damaged while evacuating animals from Okanagan wildfires

Volunteer Cambie Gulick evacuating horses, livestock from the Nk'Mip, White Rock Lake fires

  • Aug. 8, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A mother has started a GofundMe page after her daughter’s truck and trailer were damaged while rescuing animals from the evacuation areas of the White Rock Lake and Nk’Mip wildfires.

Over the past few weeks Cambie Gulick of Born Free Equine has been volunteering her time, fuel, truck and trailer helping evacuate horses, cows, donkeys, minis and a lot of other livestock from the Nk’mip and White Rock Lake wildfires.

Gulick has been evacuating animals for days and nights on end and sleeping in her trailer when she has any downtime. A lot of this hauling is into unknown areas in the dark with panicked animals and owners.

During the process of helping, her truck and trailer sustained considerable damage, including breaking two dividers, a bent back door, fender damage, bush grill damage and more.

As well as damages to her front end of her truck, there is other issues that need to be looked at by a mechanic.

“This has been a big hit to her small business, and not something she can afford to fix right now,” said mom Alana Rooney.

On top of evacuating animals, she is also housing some of those animals on her own property as well as evacuees.

Rooney is hoping people can help pay for some of the repairs to the truck and trailer so Gulick can get back to helping get animals out of wildfire areas.

“She is the kindest and most big-hearted person who will go out of her way to help people and animals in need whenever she can. Including opening up her own farm and home to evacuees. And even after sustaining these damages, she still hasn’t stopped,” said Rooney.

The fundraiser was started four days ago and already over $6,000 has been raised.

Check out the Gofundme page here.

READ MORE: Mexicans take a few days off fighting Nk’Mip fire

READ MORE: Falkland residents given window from White Rock Lake fire

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