Empty bottles litter Kal Beach in early May 2021. (Jennifer Smith - Morning Star)

Trucks with loose litter trashing Vernon roads

City looks at costly cleanup program, and alternatives

Garbage flying out the back of pickup trucks is driving upset around town.

The City of Vernon has looked at a roadside litter control program, which would cost $22,500 annually for just three roads identified as needing a cleanup.

Eastside, Bella Vista and Silver Star roads were identified as needing enhanced litter control by city council.

“Pickup truck owners are probably the worst who throw garbage in the back and it flies out while they are driving,” Coun. Kari Gares said.

Mayor Victor Cumming lives on Eastside Road and says there is plenty of fast food garbage and beer cans on a daily basis.

“We had a neighbour cleanup a stretch and he picked up 36 wine bottles,” Cumming said.

Camping season has sparked the return of more garbage on the roadsides coming out of Ellison Park.

“There’s a marked increase when the campground opens,” said Coun. Brian Quiring, who also lives on Eastside Road. “We are seeing bags full of garbage from the campground ending up on the road from RVs, cans are blowing out of the back of pickup trucks.”

Council isn’t moving ahead with the roadside litter control just yet as other alternatives are being looked at, as well as other roads.

“There’s other programs out there like Adopt-a-Road,” Coun. Akbal Mund said. “There’s a lot of roads in Vernon that have a lot of litter too rather than these three roads.”

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Vernon Morning Star