Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks during an announcement that Canadians Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig have been released from detention in China, on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, on Friday, Sept. 24, 2021. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

Trudeau pledges to ‘foot the bill’ for provincial vaccine passports, create federal version

New government will be sworn in next month, House of Commons recalled in the fall

The newly re-elected prime minister said he would “foot the bill” for provinces who have already created COVID-19 vaccine passports and create an internationally recognized version.

Justin Trudeau made the promise at a press conference in Ottawa on Tuesday (Sept. 28) where he also ran through a variety of other vaccine-related promises.

Trudeau, who said he had told Gov. Gen. Mary Simon that he intended to form government after the Liberal party won a minority in the Sept. 20 election, said his government would move forward on requiring vaccination for all federal civil servants, as well as for anyone ages 12 and up taking inter-provincial rail or planes.

The prime minister said that details of the federal worker vaccine mandate are still be worked out. He said that the feds will work on creating laws to criminalized the threatening and harassment of health care workers, as well as blocking hospitals.

Trudeau said that he plans on swearing in his cabinet – which he once again pledged will have gender parity – in October, with the House of Commons to be recalled this fall. He did not reveal the majority of his cabinet, but said that MP Chrystia Freeland will continue on as his deputy prime minister.

ALSO READ: Tensions high between vaccinated and unvaccinated in Canada, poll suggests


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