The Kaatza Historical Society and Ts’uubaa-asatx First Nation are working on a display for outside the museum. (Rendering)

Ts’uubaa-asatx display planned for Lake Cowichan museum lawn

Funding still needs to be secured

Lake Cowichan Town council has approved a new display for outside the Kaatza Station Museum.

“It was just a formality,” admitted Mayor Bob Day of the green light given by council following the presentation from museum staff. “The comments from council were that it was spectacular. There was no other discussion, just approval.”

The Kaatza Historical Society and Ts’uubaa-asatx First Nation are working together to secure grant money to pay for the project but they needed the consent of council to place it in front of the museum. Now they have that approval.

As for the funds, they’re still waiting.

“We won’t hear until probably September,” said museum president Pat Foster.

Based on the conceptual rendering done by a young carver who is part of the Ts’uubaa-asatx First Nation, the display could feature seating, two information panels, possibly flanking a totem. Bench seating and picnic tables may also be present. The display would likely cover 150 square feet on the front lawn of the museum.

“We’re just at the beginning of the process,” Foster noted. “We’re looking forward to having something there.”

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Lake Cowichan Gazette