Tara Bowie

Tara Bowie

Turn off the computer and get involved

Time to turn off the computer, put down the phone and volunteer in Keremeos.

  • Oct. 28, 2017 12:00 a.m.

Over the last few weeks we’ve been putting in extra effort to make our online presence more active – both on social media (Facebook) and our website.

It’s been wonderful seeing the engagement from the community on issues like the downtown enhancement project plans, policing issues, community events and even larger social issues that are going on outside the boundaries of our beautiful Lower Similkameen.

Many of those comments are positive, many well-thought out, many aimed at sharing ideas.

But there are those that emerge, of course as with all social media groups, that come with little or no facts behind them and are aimed at local politicians or leaders and point out all that the writer things is wrong in our community.

We don’t believe in censuring those comments unless they’re slanderous or libel, but it is always interesting to watch the debate that follows.

Undoubtedly, there will be those that chime in in agreement with the generalized statements and then there will be those that point out that if you think it’s broken energy would be better used rolling up your sleeves and helping.

We at the Review tend to agree with the latter.

Every single volunteer organization in this community is starving for volunteers. Get involved.

Over the three years I’ve covered council, I can say there’s probably been less than 10 times I’ve seen anyone from the public in the gallery.

As someone who has only missed two meetings in those years, I do know first-hand that not every meeting is as exciting as banning chickens or smoking. But there are important decisions made around the table each and every meeting.

Agendas are put online Friday afternoons before the meetings on Mondays. At the end of every meeting there is a chance for the public to ask questions about what transpired in the meeting. And council and staff always make time to talk after.

With the municipal election just a year away we hope some of those people who talk so openly about what they think the problems of the community are sign up and run for office.

Take the energy you pour into your keyboards and computer screens and start pounding on doors and talking to people about your thoughts about how to improve our community.

There’s room for your voice and ideas in the real world.


Keremeos Review