Two company vehicles catch fire over night in Royal Oak

Saanich Fire was called to extinguish two BC Hydro vehicles early Tuesday morning.


An early morning car fire woke Royal Oak residents at about 2 a.m. in the 4300 block of West Saanich Rd on Tuesday.

Both Saanich Police and the Saanich Fire Department responded to the incident and have determined the damage to be in excess of $80,000.


“It appears, at this time, the fire started in one of the vehicles and spread to the other,” said Sgt. Jereme Leslie of Saanich Police.

Once emergency crews arrived they discovered two vehicles on fire in the parking lot, both vehicles belong to BC Hydro, one believed to be a van, the other a hybrid car.

The fire was extinguished and Saanich Fire and Saanich Police are currently investigating the cause of the fire.

Saanich Police are asking that if anyone has any information about the fire or saw anything suspicious at the time to call Saanich Police at 250-475-4321.

Saanich News