The gate to Grant Narrows Park re-opened to the public July 17. (Colleen Flanagan/The News)

Two docks to close at Grant Narrows in Pitt Meadows

The docks have been deemed unsafe for use by the province

Two docks at Grant Narrows Park are to be closed to the public following Canada Day and eventually removed after they were deemed unsafe for use.

New yellow signs will be posted on the two most westerly docks warning people not to use them, effective July 2, and asking boaters to remove all moored boats.

“We need to restrict access to these two docks to protect the safety of all residents, visitors, and boaters,” read a statement by Katrine Conroy, Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development.

“No boat moorage will be allowed on site for the foreseeable future,” the statement advised.

The docks will be removed as soon as a contractor is found by the ministry.

However, the dock infrastructure associated with the boat launch will not be removed.

Conroy noted that the boat launch is an important and heavily used recreation site and launch point for those seeking access to the Pitt-Addington Wildlife Management Area, Pitt Lake, Widgeon Creek, and the Upper Pitt River.

“It is also recognized as a highly-valued cultural site within the traditional territory of the Katzie First Nation,” said the Minister.

Also included on the sign is a violator hotline for people to call if the see others not obeying the order.

Lately some park-goers have been saddened by the state of the park – including the dock area. The area known as Grant Narrows is located in Pitt Meadows at the north end of Rannie Road by Pitt Lake.

Users have complained about the lack of bathrooms and garbage collection.

Katzie Development Limited Partnership had operated the park since 2011, but left the site May 8, 2020, citing liability issues with the docks in the park that they described at “unstable” and “in a state of disrepair.” Without an operating agreement with the province, they were unable to do any repairs.

READ MORE: Park goers saddened by the state of Grant Narrows in Pitt Meadows

The gates to the park were then locked and didn’t re-open to the public again until July 17, 2020.

In May the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development confirmed they were having discussions with their partners to determine short-term plans for the site. However, the short-term plans would not include any significant changes to the site’s infrastructure.

Plans for the long-term management of the site were in the works, Ministry spokesperson Tyler Hooper, said at the time.

READ MORE: New management soon for Pitt Meadows park

“No clear direction has been determined and we are several months away from having any information to share on that,” Hooper had noted about long-term management.

Conroy confirmed Wednesday, June 30, the ministry has been working to secure a new short-term and long-term agreement with local government partners to maintain operation of the access gate, parking lot, boat launch and other services on-site. She did not mention any timeline.

Meanwhile the ministry will be attempting to contact boat owners directly to remove their boats from the dock, and Conroy said, an operator will be returning to the park imminently.

Paddlers will still be able to access the lake from the shore and motorized boaters will continue to be able to use the launch using the boat ramps.

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