Two Electoral Systems

Two Electoral Systems

Canada's electoral system is referred to as First Past The Post.

  • Jul. 24, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Letter to the editor;

Canada’s electoral system is referred to as First Past The Post. The candidate with the most votes in each riding wins a seat in the house of commons and represents that riding as its MP.

This allows the party with the most MP’s to form the government.

As a result, power has been held by either of the two most popular parties for most of Canada’s history.

The present system allows the electorate to vote for the individual of their choice, regardless of party or affiliation.

Proportional representation (PR) characterizes an electoral system by which divisions into an electorate are reflected proportionately into the elected body.

If N% of the electorate support a political party, then roughly N% of seats will be won by that party.

The NDP believes that this system would allow them to hold office as more and more younger as well as older voters believe that a socialist government would benefit them or rather give them more government handouts.

The NDP is said to wish to enact a guaranteed minimum wage law that would see that every member of society would receive a monthly income, whether they held a job or remained at home (unemployed).

We should think hard before we vote, should this referendum come about, do we who pay taxes wish to fund those who would stay home due to the government’s largess?

Dave Doerfler | Wynndel

Creston Valley Advance