Two extra constables help detachment

Detachment members investigated 921 files during the second and third quarters of 2015

“For the first time in recent memory, Clearwater RCMP detachment was up two extra people this summer,” according to sergeeant Kevin Podbisky.

Reporting to town council on Sept. 8, Podbisky said constables Ashton Phillips and Tyson Bruns had ended their postings here.

Their replacements, constables Lyle Smith and Randy Seidl, arrived before they left and so the detachment briefly had two extra members.

However, Cpl. Bart Doerr, who was with the Central Interior Traffic Services in Clearwater until Februrary, tranferred to Comox. His replacement has not been identified.

Cpl. Mark Labossiere, who previously served in Clearwater as a constable, has been working at the detachment since March with the general duty section.

Cst. Jason Linde, who is with the traffic unit, went on paternity leave in February and is expected back to work in November.

Traffic unit member Cst. Michelle Hall went on medical leave for a knee operaton in March. She retuned to work the first week of September.

Podbisky reported that the detachment members invisteigated 324 files during the first quarter of 2015, comapred to 339 files for the first quarter of 2014.

Detachment members investigated 921 files during ehe second and third quarters of 2015, cmpared to 832 files during the same peeriod last year.

Possibly reflecting their short staffing, traffic members only investtigated 28 files from January to August.

The detachment investigated 1,273 calls for service since January.

Reflecting the detachment’s priorities of traffic safety and substance abuse, the Clearwater detachment and traffic services issued a total of 789 tickets and wrnins from January to August.

A total of 16 impaired driving charges were laid as well as 12 drug seizures made during the time period.

Clearwater member investigated and laid 44 Criminal Code charges.


Melody Romeo, North Thompson Victim Assistance program manager, reported she had 41 new client referrals during the nine montsh. The referrals came from the RCMP, provincial agencies and community members.



Clearwater Times