Golden Secondary School students held signs and shouted for the sake of climate action on Friday, May 3. Keri Sculland/Star Photo

Golden Secondary School students held signs and shouted for the sake of climate action on Friday, May 3. Keri Sculland/Star Photo

Two Global Climate Action Strikes taking place in Golden on September 20

Two events in Golden are taking place simultaneously as others across the globe.

  • Sep. 19, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Two events in Golden are taking place simultaneously as others across the globe.

The Global Climate Action Strike begins September 20 at noon. In Kumsheen park, Golden Secondary School students are putting their Fridays For Future group into action from 12 to 3 p.m., inviting the community down to participate in an open mic, sign building, and an information session all in the name of climate action.

At the “old court house,” located at 611 10th Avenue N., Trevor Hamre and organizers have built a multi-faceted event. This event will include an outdoor free market, where people can pick up goods and wares from those who no longer need them, a free soup kitchen (bring your own bowls and cutlery), speakers, live music, and more.

Hamre has been out inviting businesses and residents to join the movement, and Wildsight Golden is supporting the Fridays For Future action group.

“We’re all on this planet together. We need a future. It’s as simple as that,” said Hamre, who has been studying climate action for at least 20 years, and has been involved in activism for years.

At the old court house Global Climate Action Strike, Hamre and organizers will be accepting a list of demands from the public, which will then be shortlisted to a top 10 list that strikers would like to use.

After strikers have built signs and participated at either event, they are invited to march through downtown from each event to the other. Since the Fridays For Future event ends at 3 p.m., and the old court house event ends at 6 p.m., high school student organizers Kathleen Lammers and Mara Parkinson hope people will join in on marching from Kumsheen Park to the old court house.

“Everyone who made a sign is welcome to march,” Lammers said.

Both events aim to be waste-free. Bacchus mini cafe will be at Kumsheen Park to provide snacks and refreshments. Everyone is encouraged to bring their own drinking and eating dishes to both events.

Jita’s Cafe will provide soup for free at the old court house.

Greta Thunberg is a 15-year-old Swedish youth who has lead movements around the world, taking action and speaking up about climate crisis. Both events have been inspired by her call for climate action.

“It’s all about starting the conversation and pushing for change,” Parkinson said.

Golden Secondary School students organized a walk out in May, creating signs and shouting along the roadway in hopes of eliciting action and showing their passion for climate action. Parkinson and Lammers hope students from all of the schools will join in the Global Climate Action Strike on September 20 at noon.

READ MORE: Golden Secondary School students rally for climate change

Global Climate Action Strikes will be taking part across the world on September 20 and 27. People of all ages are invited to participate in both strikes locally.

Golden Star