Two grizzlies observed in Meadowbrook, near Kimberley

WildSafe BC is warning people to secure bear attractants like garbage or livestock feed, and to keep an eye on pets and livestock.

  • Jul. 20, 2015 11:00 a.m.

Barry Coulter

Two young grizzlies are at large and living their lives in the Meadowbrook area near Kimberley.

Sonja Seher, Kimberley/Cranbrook WildSafeBC Community Coordinator, says the two bears were observed last week in the area, and conservation officers were in the process of trying to trap them.

“There’s been no sign, as of Friday, that the bears have been conditioned to human food sources,” Seher said. “But they are getting close to homes.”

WildSafe BC is warning people to secure bear attractants like garbage or livestock feed, and to keep an eye on pets and livestock. Be bear aware.

Seher also advised recreators to be careful if they’re going for a walk or biking in the area.

If anyone sees the bears, or wants to report a wildlife incident, call 1-877-952-7277.

Cranbrook Daily Townsman