Two Mounties to cover big Cops for Cancer territory

Two Nanaimo Mounties will be kept busy covering the north Island to raise cash for the 2012 Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock.

Cpl. Norm Smith and reserve constable Chris Fernandes of Nanaimo RCMP will cover more ground than most the riders on the 2012 Tour de Rock team.

That’s because Smith and Fernandes are the only RCMP members on the 2012 team north of Duncan.

The only other rider from the north Island this year is military police officer Dave Thompson of 19 Wing Comox.

It means they’ll have a lot of ground to cover fundraising until the start of the tour.

Smith set his fundraising goal at $50,000, which doesn’t seem unrealistic considering the number of north Island communities, companies and organizations that get behind the tour, but this year will have no riders of their own to support.

“The nice thing here is, Chris and I are the only Mounties from Duncan north,” Smith said. “We’re going to be contacting their offices and ask if they can put on a barbecue or organize a car wash and we’ll come down and be at it. We’re going to be busy.”

Nanaimo News Bulletin