Two wildfires in the Nelson area are under control. Photo: BC Wildfire Service web screenshot

Two Nelson area wildfires under control

Small fires are located near Balfour and Crawford Bay

Two wildfires in the Nelson area are both under control, according to Kim Wright at the Southeast Fire Centre in Castlegar.

The lightning-caused Balfour Knob fire, four kilometres north of Balfour, discovered on June 23, covers an area of .6 hectares.

It was controlled by helicopter bucketing and air tanker retardant with a 20-person crew and brought under control on June 24.

On June 25 there is a 22-person crew on the ground with no need for further air activity.

The Crawford Creek fire, covering .02 hectares, discovered and brought under control on June 24, is on private land and suspected to be human-caused.

Nelson Star