Krazy Cherry Fruit Co. is located at Sumac Street in Oliver. Image: Google.

Krazy Cherry Fruit Co. is located at Sumac Street in Oliver. Image: Google.

Two positive COVID-19 cases at Oliver farm

The risk of exposure to the general public related to this farm is considered to be low

  • Jul. 13, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Two positive COVID-19 cases associated with Krazy Cherry Fruit Co. in Oliver, are being confirmed by Interior Health (IH).

IH insists the risk of exposure to the general public in relation to the cases at the farm is considered to be low.

According to IH, one person is self-isolating at home in the community, while the second individual – a temporary foreign worker (TFW) – is isolating in a location off the farm. At this time, a link between these two cases has not been identified.

An order applies to all 36 TFWs, and nine additional individuals on the farm, who will be restricted from leaving while further testing and investigation takes place. Access to the farm is also restricted with the exception of deliveries of essential supplies with appropriate precautions in place.

Now, IH will work closely with the Ministry of Agriculture to ensure that all workers receive the appropriate follow up (including testing as required) and supports they need.

The cause of illness in the two positive cases has not been determined, but both individuals are presumed to have acquired it in B.C. The TFW went through the 14-day self-isolation program and tested negative for COVID-19 before starting to work at the farm.

Oliver has closed its Town Hall to the public after a staff member displayed multiple symptoms in line with coronavirus such as lethargy, fever and headache.

The employee is being tested for the virus but the results have yet to come in.

Provincial health regulations would require the Town of Oliver to inform all those who have come in contact with the employee that they may have come in contact with the virus, should the test return positive.

On July 11, IH announced that a Kelowna COVID-19 cluster had been identified and there was potential exposure at Discovery Bay Resort (1088 Sunset Dr., Kelowna) from July 1 to 5 and Boyce Gyro Beach Lodge (3591 Lakeshore Rd., Kelowna) on July 1.

Interior Health reminds everyone of the general recommendations for all produce:Rinse fresh produce like cherries under cold water (soap or sanitizer is not required for consumers).

Wash hands with soap and water before and after eating.

Answers to frequently asked questions are available on the Interior Health public website here.

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