Two of the four apprehended in last week’s Fruitvale crime spree remain behind bars. (Thinkstock image)

Two of the four apprehended in last week’s Fruitvale crime spree remain behind bars. (Thinkstock image)

Two remain in jail after Fruitvale crime spree

Police reported the four charged with crimes related to the April 3 incidents are from Alberta

A male and female apprehended in last week’s Fruitvale crime spree remain in jail pending a bail hearing in Castlegar Provincial Court on April 11.

Two others charged in the April 3 rash of incidents – which allegedly included an armed robbery, break and enters and theft of firearms and three vehicles – were released on their own recognizance with promise to next appear May 10.

All four are said to be from Alberta.

Steven Fontaine remains behind bars charged with firearm possession, robbery where a firearm is used, flight from a peace officer, escape from lawful custody and possession of stolen property over $5,000.

Lizzy Racette is still in custody charged with possession of stolen property under $5,000 and a breach of undertaking or recognizance (the latter refers to breaching conditions related to a previous charge or offense).

Tia Weekusk and Jason Kent were charged with possession of stolen property under $5,000 and released after appearing in Rossland court.

“They went to court Friday,” confirmed Greater Trail RCMP Sgt. Darren Oelke. “Two were held over until this Wednesday for a bail hearing in Castlegar, two were released on conditions.”

Oelke says more charges are likely forthcoming against “the one main individual.”

“We put together minimal charges to get the accused held initially,” he explained. “Crown will now look at the matter in depth and decide what charges will ultimately be laid. I expect more charges once Crown has a chance to take a closer look.”

The events in question began after the four checked into the Villager’s Inn on Easter Monday.

Police were called to the Fruitvale area after a local man was held up at gunpoint and had his car stolen just after 1 a.m. on Tuesday, April 2.

Officers located the stolen vehicle shortly after and attempted to stop it. The suspects fled in the car but after driving down a dead end street, they stopped and ran.

With help from a police dog, the two women suspects were found hiding in a nearby yard.

The men were later arrested at the hotel, but one escaped custody and was caught in a stolen vehicle near Creston around 10 a.m. Tuesday.

Oelke reported that break and enter calls from the Fruitvale area started to come into the detachment early that morning while police were still on scene.

Three residences were broken into and two vehicles stolen along with several firearms, electronics and jewelry.

P0lice say the stolen property, including the stolen firearms, were located.

All four appeared in Rossland court under a “JIR,” or Judicial Interim Release. A JIR is used to indicate an appearance by an accused who is in custody on the matter before the court, and used until bail has been granted, denied, or the accused has chosen to remain in custody by consent.

Trail Daily Times