Two rescued after capsizing in the St Mary’s River

Kimberley Search and Rescue was quickly activated after a canoe overtuned in the St Mary's River, on Saturday June 4

  • Jun. 5, 2016 2:00 p.m.
A scene from SAR Training Session, held May 20-23, St Mary’s River, Kimberley BC.

A scene from SAR Training Session, held May 20-23, St Mary’s River, Kimberley BC.

Kimberley Search and Rescue was quickly activated after two people capsized in the St Mary’s River, on Saturday June 4. A canoe overturned throwing two subjects into the cold water. They managed to drift to a sandbar but were unable to get back to shore.

A witness saw them stranded in the river and called 911, the RCMP called out Search and Rescue through Emergency Management BC.

Fifteen members of search and rescue attended, eight of which are swift water trained. A jet boat was utilized to get them safely back to shore where they were checked out. They received minor injuries to their knees and feet from the rocks but are otherwise fine. .

From the wife of one of the men, “I would like to send a tremendous THANK YOU to Kimberley SAR for returning my husband to me last night after a horrendous experience trying to canoe down the St. Mary River. He’s a little banged up and his pride is pretty bruised… but he is home. And alive. Thanks to you!

Shelly Hicks one of the Kimberley SAR training coordinators says, “Just last month 10 members were certified or recertified in swift water rescue. Our training paid off and we were able to successfully rescue the two without any issues”.

The two had received incorrect information as to the class of rapids the St Mary’s River was at this time of year. But did everything right but getting to safe place and waiting for help.

The SAR volunteers continually train to assist those in need. The area is beautiful and many enjoy it but the ruggedness creates a risk. Be prepared!

Courtesy Cpl Chris Newel

Cranbrook Daily Townsman