Two shoplifters plead guilty

NANAIMO – Suspacts charged with possession of stolen property sentenced.

Two of four people charged with possession of stolen property after police recovered more than $22,000 worth of stolen clothing from a Cedar house will serve conditional sentences.

Last month, Nanaimo RCMP arrested four people after a search warrant was carried out Jan. 14 at a house on Prince Charles Place, where investigators recovered the clothing and confiscated two rifles and ammunition found improperly stored in an unlocked safe.

Starla Melody Seward, 40, Elizabeth Anne Marie Joe, 19, Jeremy Frank Sawyer, 20, and Anderson Tommy, 41, were all charged with possession of stolen property over $5,000 in what police describe as one of Nanaimo’s most prolific shoplifting rings in recent memory.

Joe pleaded guilty to the charge Jan. 18 and received a 22-month conditional sentence and Sawyer pleaded guilty to the same charge on Jan. 29, also receiving a 22-month conditional sentence.

Seward and Tommy, who were also charged with careless storage of firearms, have court appearances scheduled for next week.

Nanaimo News Bulletin