TWU conducts campus lockdown drill today

The campus-wide lockdown is in co-operation with Langley RCMP to test student and staff's response to emergencies.

  • Mar. 11, 2015 3:00 p.m.

Trinity Western University conducted a campus-wide lockdown drill on March 11.

Maintaining a safe campus requires regularly exercising TWU’s emergency plan to verify that staff, faculty, and students know what to do in the event of any emergency, said a TWU press release.

The lock down, in co-operation with the Langley RCMP,  will include a broadcast on the university’s emergency communication system, TWU alerts, which delivers emergency messages to all campus computers, email and personal cellphones. The joint exercise will be used to verify their plans and to make improvements towards a goal to maintain a safe campus environment.

Members of the university’s Campus Situation Assessment Team (CSAT) facilitated a series of lockdown education sessions in fall 2014 to prepare participants for the upcoming drill. The practice lockdown drills will continue to be conducted on an annual basis.

Trinity Western is committed to ensuring that its campus continues to be a safe place to live, work, and study.

Langley Times