Ron Crema, left, from the port authority and Camela Tang, vice-chair of ICE-T, unveil the sign and name for Tyee Landing, the new boardwalk and parking lot beside Somass Mill.

Ron Crema, left, from the port authority and Camela Tang, vice-chair of ICE-T, unveil the sign and name for Tyee Landing, the new boardwalk and parking lot beside Somass Mill.

Tyee Landing ‘the next Steveston’: PAPA

Tyee Pier at Tyee Landing will offer fuel service and a docking facility for Pacific Seaplanes when it is complete.

The new boardwalk and parking area the Port Alberni Port Authority has installed beside Fisherman’s Wharf will be known as Tyee Landing.

Although the boardwalk was finished some weeks ago, the name was only unveiled on Thursday at a ceremony involving the port authority, funders City of Port Alberni and Island Coastal Economic Trust (ICE-T) and members of the Hupacasath and Tseshaht First Nations.

“We envision a Steveston waterfront vibe here in the coming years,” port authority board chair Ron Crema said, adding that the project was designed to give the public greater access to the waterfront.

Steveston is a former fishing village that was incorporated in 1880. It has now been absorbed by the City of Richmond on the Lower Mainland and is considered a trendy waterfront community with a mix of industry and tourism as well as condo living.

“We have provided the venue; we invite (the public) to bring it to life.”

Several people submitted the name in a contest.

“It’s beautifully done,” Coun. Jack McLeman said of the boardwalk and parking area.

Tyee Pier at Tyee Landing will offer fuel service and a docking facility for Pacific Seaplanes when it is complete, Crema said.

The port authority also unveiled a piece of public art at the entrance to Tyee Pier, which will house the fuel dock and wharf. A salmon carving by stump artist Jesse Toso, similar to others found around Harbour Quay, has been installed at the end of the new boardwalk.

The pier itself is still under construction, and the fuel dock is progressing, PAPA director of public relations and business development David McCormick said. A contractor for the fuel should be named soon, he added.

McCormick has had some interest in a request for proposals for a bistro at the boardwalk, but nothing definite has been decided yet.

Alberni Valley News