UBC Okanagan students showcase their art

Portfolio Day exhibit takes place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today at campus Creative and Critical Studies Building

UBCO arts school student Dylan Rainey.

UBCO arts school student Dylan Rainey.

A portfolio of work is one of the major requirements for students applying for post-secondary fine arts programs and also for those artists applying to galleries and shows and unfortunately, it’s a task that most find incredibly daunting.

From choosing the appropriate works to assembling the narrative of the artist’s portfolio, visual art students and emergent artists alike are often stymied by the requirement to produce an artist portfolio.

As a result, today from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., UBC Okanagan will host a Portfolio Day at the faculty of creative and critical studies building, 1148 Research Rd. on the Kelowna campus.

This offers an opportunity for prospective students and artists to get advice on building an artist’s or entrance portfolio, and even obtain pre-approval for the portfolio requirement as part of their application to the Visual Arts BFA program at UBCO.

Portfolio Day is just the ticket to getting students and artists past the hurdle of building a distinctive, professional portfolio with four UBCO  faculty members and current students available to provide feedback, as well as give departmental tours, and answer questions about the Visual Arts – BFA program and the application process.

Participants were asked to bring between 10 to 20  artworks or images (and/or up to three short videos) which illustrate their best work showing the range of media they have explored.

Original artwork, from finished pieces, work in progress, and sketchbooks are acceptable and participants may also present their portfolio digitally on their laptop.

“The Portfolio Day is really a chance for prospective students and other artists to bring in some of their work and have us give them feedback on it. A student could bring in just a couple of works that they feel really good about and we will certainly take a look and provide pointers and suggestions,”  said Briar Craig, visual arts undergraduate coordinator at UBCO.

Kelowna Capital News