Ucluelet cops defuse restaurant kerfuffle

A person inside the restaurant called 911 and police arrived in time to stop a potential fight from breaking out.

Ucluelet police responded to a disturbance at a local restaurant on Jan. 9 around 9:30 p.m.

Two men inside the restaurant were reportedly arguing with a third man and restaurant staff were unable to convince the three men to settle down or leave, according to Sgt. Jeff Swann of the Ucluelet RCMP.

Swann said a person inside the restaurant called 911 and Const. Marcel Midlane and Auxiliary constable Paul Galloway arrived in time to stop a potential fight from breaking out.

No charges were filed and everyone involved cooperated with the police.

“Although alcohol was a factor, everybody was sober enough to take care of themselves and they were all given a ride to their individual homes,” Swann said.

He added that it was a solid move by the restaurant patron to call police before the situation escalated.

“We want people to call before it gets to a problem,” he said.

“An alert person in the restaurant said, ‘Hey, you know what? Before this gets out of hand let’s call the police,’ and that’s what we value; we want people to call ahead of time.”



Tofino-Ucluelet Westerly News