Ucluelet cops enjoy quiet New Year’s

Police are thanking locals for reveling respectfully on New Year’s Eve.

Ucluelet’s police are thanking locals for reveling respectfully on New Year’s Eve.

Detachment commander Sgt. Jeff Swann told the Westerly News that members of his team conducted roadblocks and checked in on parties at various establishments without incident.

“New Year’s Eve is busy. There’s lots of establishments open for business, lots of alcohol being sold and consumed, lots of people out and to receive not a single file is pretty unique,” he said.

“There were no reports at all.”

He said Ucluelet police had a solid year in general and the lack of calls freed up his team to spend more time being proactive rather than reactive.

“It’s exciting as a police officer when you can go out and instead of reacting to calls you can be proactive and prevent the calls…If you’re out there being visible, you’re preventing crime and you’re preventing people from becoming victims,” he said.

“Our goal should be to work ourselves out of a job and we’re effectively doing that.”

He said the crimeless New Year’s Eve illustrates Ucluelet is growing up as a community and locals are making smarter choices.

“They’ve taken responsibility and they’re looking out for each other more,” he said. “It’s a very respectful community.”


Tofino-Ucluelet Westerly News