UN/NATO Veterans from Calgary and Red Deer to hold ceremony at Kimberley Cenotaph

UN/NATO Veterans from Calgary and Red Deer to hold ceremony at Kimberley Cenotaph

Military Ames is happy to welcome the UN/NATO Veterans Support group from Calgary and Red Deer, Alberta who are coming to Kimberley to do a ceremony at our new cenotaph. This group consists of serving and retired veterans. The 40-50 members will arrive in Kimberley the afternoon of May 26, 2018 and will muster at the clock in the platzl. The ceremony is planned for a 4:00. Military Ames will update our face book page as the schedule develops on the 26th in case there is any unforeseen holdups. Military Ames veterans will march the UN/NATO Veterans into the Kimberley Veteran Memorial Park with a Colour Party and the group will conduct a ceremony including the Act of Remembrance to honour our Veterans, their families and the Fallen. The parade will take place at approximately 4:00 pm following a police escort into Kimberley. The public is welcome to attend and we encourage you to do so. This is another great opportunity to teach younger generations the meaning of the cenotaph and Memorial Park.

Military Ames is happy to welcome the UN/NATO Veterans Support group from Calgary and Red Deer, Alberta who are coming to Kimberley to do a ceremony at our new cenotaph. This group consists of serving and retired veterans. The 40-50 members will arrive in Kimberley the afternoon of May 26, 2018 and will muster at the clock in the platzl. The ceremony is planned for a 4:00. Military Ames will update our face book page as the schedule develops on the 26th in case there is any unforeseen holdups. Military Ames veterans will march the UN/NATO Veterans into the Kimberley Veteran Memorial Park with a Colour Party and the group will conduct a ceremony including the Act of Remembrance to honour our Veterans, their families and the Fallen. The parade will take place at approximately 4:00 pm following a police escort into Kimberley. The public is welcome to attend and we encourage you to do so. This is another great opportunity to teach younger generations the meaning of the cenotaph and Memorial Park.

During this ceremony, we will also be unveiling the newest addition to our Park, the Memorial Walls.

On occasion there are children climbing on the cenotaph. We strongly discourage this and would like to remind people that this is a Memorial for our dead that are buried elsewhere and should be treated with upmost respect. The Kimberley Veteran Memorial Park is not a play ground it is a place for contemplation and respect. It could also be used as a great teaching tool.

Kimberley Bulletin