These chefs are ready to cook Les Poissons.

These chefs are ready to cook Les Poissons.

Under the Sea a hit

About 200 people crowded into the Cowichan Lake Sports Arena to enjoy performances in an event called Under the Sea.

With young skaters dressed as everything from fish and crabs to chefs, the annual Cowichan Lake District Skating Club ice show offered parents and friends an entertaining evening Friday, March 5.

About 200 people crowded into the Cowichan Lake Sports Arena to enjoy performances in an event called Under the Sea.

Guest soloist Haley Dragecevich and a guest group from the Duncan Synchro program were greeted warmly by the crowd.

But, of course, the biggest cheers were for the local skaters, especially the little sea horses — beginner skaters who came out carefully holding onto plastic pylons for support.

The volunteers who organized the event, sewed costumes, helped find sponsors for prizes, and came out to decorate did a great job and the big cheers at the end proved that for the Cowichan Lake area, there’s nothing like watching your friends to make an evening great family fun.

Lake Cowichan Gazette