CLAC member Michael Stewart (left) presenting a $1,000 cheque to Paul Donaldson, Vice President of the Board of Chilliwack Community Services. (submitted photo)

Union makes $1,000 donation to Rotary Club of Chilliwack’s Feed the Kids Initiative

The Christian Labour Association of Canada donated as part of its Building Communities program

The Rotary Club of Chilliwack Feed the Kids Initiative has received a $1,000 donation from the Christian Labour Association of Canada as part of the union’s Building Communities program.

Michael Stewart nominated the organization for the donation. Stewart is a member of CLAC Local 66, employed by Abbotsford’s Clearbrook Grain & Milling Co. Ltd.

“Approximately 600 children in Chilliwack go to school hungry on Monday mornings,” Stewart said. “Currently, most students in need are provided with breakfast, recess snacks, and lunch each day at school. Unfortunately, the lack of access to food does not end when the weekend arrives, so the Starfish Backpack Program, a fully fundraised program in Chilliwack, was created to combat this.”

The Starfish Backpack Program sees Chilliwack Community Services and School District 33 partnering to serve 300 children in 19 schools.

“The program is simple,” Stewart said. “Backpacks are sent home each Friday, full of food for children and their families for the weekend during the school year. One hundred per cent of donations received go directly to the purchase of the foods for the backpacks, and $575 feeds a child all school year. All partners donate time and services to this worthy cause. The organization is grateful for CLAC’s donation.”

Formed in 1952, CLAC is a national union representing over 60,000 workers in almost every sector of the economy.

RELATED: Chilliwack partners unite to make sure kids don’t go hungry during the pandemic

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