Galina Labun (left), of VantageOne, and Linda Yule, of the United Way, count the donations at the United Way drive-thru breakfast at the Best Western Vernon Lodge Thursday morning.

Galina Labun (left), of VantageOne, and Linda Yule, of the United Way, count the donations at the United Way drive-thru breakfast at the Best Western Vernon Lodge Thursday morning.

United Way breakfast serves up record

Annual drive-thru breakfast in Vernon raises a record $14,303 towards the $300,000 goal the United Way has set for this year’s campaign.

Fingers were flying at the United Way’s drive-thru breakfast.

Galina Labun and Brittany Sjoblom were duelling over Facebook as they tried to drum up support for the annual fundraiser at the Best Western Vernon Lodge Thursday.

“I’m telling everyone to get down here,” said Labun, VantageOne Credit Union’s marketing manager.

Sjoblom, Vernon Winter Carnival office manager, was also kept busy networking with donors via social media.

“I had a comment that someone saw it on there and came down as a result, which I thought was really great,” she said.

The drive-thru breakfast raised a record $14,303 towards the $300,000 goal the United Way has set for this year’s campaign.

“It’s a high-energy kick-off,” said Linda Yule, United Way executive director.

“A big thank you to all of the sponsors and all of the volunteers that helped make this event a huge success.”

Besides getting a bag full of goodies, donors also got their windshields washed while in line.

“I’m pretty good at delegating,” laughed Tom Christensen, with Nixon Wenger Lawyers, as he sipped his coffee and watched Jay Hack, with Davidson Lawyers, head to another car with a squeegee.

Community support came from individual residents and businesses.

Regional District of North Okanagan staff did their part by picking up 19 of the breakfast bags.

“I can gather up money when I need to,” said Janice Buick, a clerk, as she found room for the bags in a car.

The funds raised during the breakfast, as well as those generated during the campaign, will go towards the operations of 25 non-profit agencies.

Yule says the $300,000 goal is a realistic representation of what is needed to provide vital services.

“We’re asked for much more than that by the agencies,” said Yule, who is confident residents will recognize the importance of the community services.

“One in three people are served by the agencies, from pre-natal programs to good morning calls for seniors.”

To support the United Way campaign, call 250-549-1346 or go to


Vernon Morning Star