United Way Southern Interior BC to host 19th annual North Okanagan Drive-Thru Breakfast Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020. (Contributed)

United Way Southern Interior BC to host 19th annual North Okanagan Drive-Thru Breakfast Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020. (Contributed)

United Way serves Vernon breakfast for a cause

The annual Drive-Thru Breakfast fundraiser set for Thursday

  • Oct. 9, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The 19th annual North Okanagan Drive-Thru breakfast is a go Thursday morning.

This year’s event by United Way Southern Interior BC will serve up Tim Hortons coffee and treats and the iconic breakfast bag packed with donated food, coupons and grand prizes.

Buried in one bag is a $1,000 “Invest Your Way” prize courtesy of Valley First.

The 2020 event will look a bit different due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Special health and safety protocols will be in place to ensure volunteers and drive-thru guests are safe.

Last year, the event raised more than $15,000 which supports around 20 local charities and local initiatives serving the needs of vulnerable children, youth, families and seniors in the North Okanagan. This year, United Way is looking to surpass that.

The Thursday, Oct. 15, fundraiser runs 6:30-9 a.m. at the Prestige Vernon Lodge. Motorists can enter off 32nd or 33rd Avenue.

Twenty dollar pre-orders and additional donations are accepted at NorthOKDriveThru.com. Pre-orders for the bags valued at $50 are accepted until Oct. 14 at 3 p.m.

“Join us bright and early for this annual ‘fun’draiser for the United Way and drive your community forward,” the organization said. “Everything raised here, stays here.”

READ MORE: United Way Drive-Thru Breakfast hits Vernon

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Vernon Morning Star