Unleash your mind at Monterey

Philosophy course aimed at stimulating brains

A new class meant to activate the mind and induce thought-provoking discussions is coming to the Monterey Recreation Centre.

Sam Wong, a renaissance literature professor at the University of Victoria, will teach a class at the centre on Thomas Hobbes’ book Leviathan.

“Hobbes is a little off the beaten path,” said Wong, adding the topics in the book are quite provocative and controversial.

“It’s hard to read Hobbes and not produce strong feelings one way or the other,” he said.

Lesley Cobus, co-ordinator of the Monterey centre, expects this course to be stimulating.

“We do a lot of work with Alzheimer’s and all the research points to keeping your brain active and engaged in thinking and learning new things,” said Cobus. “This kind of course just stimulates that.”

Having been a professor at UVic for more than 10 years, Wong has seen all kinds of students. However, the best he said are often older students who have come back to school to learn something new. He is excited to see what kind of people sign up for his class at the Monterey centre.

“I think it’ll mostly just be people who are curious,” he said.

The course is open to the general public 19 years and older.

“As people age, I think you think more about philosophy and looking at life in different ways,” said Cobus.

According to Wong, it’s fitting to teach Hobbes in an environment meant to stimulate brain activity.

“Hobbes stayed intellectually very active until the end,” said Wong. “He’s an extraordinary example of maintaining intellectual curiosity well into old age.”

The course, Hobbes Leviathan Philosophy, will run from Sept. 12 to Nov. 7 every Friday from 1 to 2:30 p.m. The cost is $90. To register, contact the Monterey Recreation Centre at 250-370-7300 or go in person at 1442 Monterey Ave.


Oak Bay News