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UPDATE: Child struck because driver didn’t clear ice from windshield, say Delta police

The child wasn't seriously hurt and the driver was ticketed for driving with an obstructed view

Delta police are reminding drivers to fully clear their windows of ice and fog before hitting the road after a child was struck in Tsawwassen last week.

According to posts on the department’s social media channels, the child was walking in a crosswalk on their way to school when a vehicle struck them because the driver couldn’t see clearly through the windshield.

DPD public affairs manager Cris Leykauf confirmed in an email that the incident took place on Wednesday, Jan. 16 at about 8:45 a.m.

A driver travelling eastbound on 16th Avenue had stopped to let a 10-year-old cross at a crosswalk. As the child crossed, they were struck by a westbound vehicle. Police attending the accident noted that the windshield of the vehicle that hit the child was frosted over.

Emergency Health Services attended to the child at the scene before releasing them into the care of their mother. The child was not injured, save for a few bumps and bruises.

The driver was ticketed for driving while their view was obstructed, a violation of Section 195 (i)(b) of the Motor Vehicle Act.

“We hope this serves as a wake-up call to all drivers — please take the time properly scrape your windows and defrost them as necessary. It takes only a few minutes,” Leykauf told the Reporter via email. “As this situation points out, the consequences can be severe if drivers don’t take the time for this simple safety precaution. “

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