Boston Bar sign entrance to community. (Emelie Peacock/Hope Standard file)

UPDATE: COVID cases in Boston Bar leads to community program closures

Mobile testing clinic set up at Anderson Creek Clinic for those with symptoms or potential contact

Several recent COVID-19 cases have been detected in Boston Bar and the surrounding area.

In response to the cases, several offices and programs are closed and cancelled. Tuckkwiowhum Village closed all facilities over the weekend, including the gas bar.

Also closed are the Boston Bar First Nation Band Office and the Anderson and North Bend areas of the Boston Bar First Nation Reserve. Tuckkwiowhum Campground said they are not taking any new bookings until Aug. 22.

As a result of the community health concern, the Boston Bar Food Bank will be operating but with closed doors and heightened safety protocols. Fraser Canyon Family Place and the Youth Summer Adventures program have also closed.

The Tuckkwiowhum Village in Boston Bar was also the CN Relief Centre for those impacted by the Lytton Fire. For those who need to access that help, emails are to go to

Tuckkwiowhum Village says that “having been vaccinated provides individuals with protection but mild symptoms can still develop and the virus passed to our most vulnerable community members.”

However, Fraser Health says that an outbreak has not been identified in Boston Bar, as of Aug. 9.

They said that they do not identify the specific location of confirmed cases “unless Public Health cannot be certain they have reached all those who need to be contacted and who therefore might be a risk to the public.”

Still, management at Tuckkwhiowhum Village say those who attended public gatherings in the past two weeks should be aware they could have been exposed to COVID-19.

And on Monday morning, a mobile testing team was put in place at the Anderson Creek Clinic, 46100 Hicks Road in Boston Bar. That was said to be a result of half a dozen local cases of COVID-19.

Symptoms of COVID-19 can vary from person to person and vary in different age groups. Symptoms can take up to 14 days to appear after exposure to COVID-19.

Common symptoms are:

• runny nose

• new or worsening cough

• shortness of breath

• difficulty breathing

• temperature of 38 degrees or higher and chills

• fatigue or weakness

• muscle or body aches

• gastrointestinal symptoms (pain, diarrhea, vomiting)

• feel unwell.

If you think you have been exposed, or feel unwell, get tested immediately and isolate from others.

Testing facilities are at Fraser Canyon Hospital in Hope from Monday to Friday. Book your appointment online through Fraser Health.

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Hope Standard