A.J. Ackerman photos

A.J. Ackerman photos

UPDATE: Driver fled early morning crash in Langley Sunday

A car was on its side and a Langley Meadows street was littered with debris, after an accident.

  • May. 13, 2018 12:00 a.m.

An early-morning crash in Langley on Sunday found one car flipped on its side, and its driver missing.

At about 2:30 a.m. on Mother’s Day, emergency crews were called to a crash in the quiet Langley neighbourhood of Langley Meadows only to find an empty vehicle.

The driver collided with two parked vehicles, said Langley RCMP’s Cpl. Holly Largy.

“A witness heard the collision and came out. He believed the driver to be impaired by alcohol,” she said. “He was unable to catch him as he fled the scene.”

It’s unclear if the driver was injured.

Police will be issuing a violation ticket, for failing to remain at the scene, to the registered owner of the vehicle “at some point,” Largy said.

“We won’t be able to pursue the impaired investigation,” she concluded.

Langley Advance