Update: Ex-Woodlands principal receives conditional discharge for theft under $5,000

NANAIMO – After pleading guilty to theft under $5,000 in December, David Mark Street must adhere to a 21-month probation order.

A former Nanaimo school principal who pleaded guilty to theft may not receive a mark on his criminal record.

David Mark Street, 56, pleaded guilty in December and was handed a conditional discharge, with 21 months’ probation, by a provincial court judge on March 14. He won’t have a criminal record if he is able to meet the probation order.

Street, former Woodlands Secondary school principal, was charged in May following an RCMP investigation. He subsequently resigned from the school district and received no severance.

Crown counsel had been seeking a conditional sentence order – a jail sentence served in the community.

“Although it was not the sentence the Crown was seeking, the Crown respects the decision,” said Dan McLaughlin, Crown spokesman. “We will not likely be filing an appeal. It’s a sentence that is within the range of sentences the judge could have ordered for comparable offenders having committed this type of offence.”

Dale Burgos, school district spokesman, said the district had no comment on the matter.

Chris Churchill, Street’s legal representation, was contacted for comment, but has not responded yet.

Street will also be required to pay a $100 victim surcharge fee by April 14 and McLaughlin said there is a condition that Street participate in a restorative justice program under the direction of his probation officer.

Nanaimo News Bulletin