A recent photo of three of the five goats that ran away from a Lantzville property last night. PHOTO SUBMITTED

A recent photo of three of the five goats that ran away from a Lantzville property last night. PHOTO SUBMITTED

UPDATE: Five young goats found after going missing in Lantzville

Goats escaped through hole in fence at property on Sywash Ridge Road

UPDATE: Goats have been found safe.

TUESDAY NIGHT: Five young goats have wandered away from home and haven’t yet been found.

A family from Lantzville is worried after their pet goats have been missing since Monday night.

Darren Colyn said the family’s Sywash Ridge Road property, near Winchelsea View Golf Course, has a marshy area where water levels dropped low enough to expose a hole in the fence. The goats were discovered to be missing when the family went to put them in the barn at bedtime Monday.

“We spent the next few hours, flashlights out, in the bush, as far as we could go, looking for them,” Colyn said, adding that the search resumed this morning at first light.

All five goats are between the ages of three and five months, and all of them have white-coloured bodies and brown heads.

The goats are named Popper, Marrakesh, Moonboy, Butterfly and Rudolph.

“The oldest one, Popper, she’s kind of the leader and she’s a little bit of an ornery one, so where she goes, the others follow, and I think she kind of led them astray,” Colyn said.

The family has five children so each child has a pet goat and Colyn said the kids are missing their pets.

“We back right onto woodlots, so it is straight bush from there and we’ve had cougars in the yard and we’ve had a bear, that’s why we put [the goats] in at night all the time, in the barn, and they’re safe for the night,” Colyn said. “I’d be lying if I didn’t say we were a bit worried. We left all the gates open and I hope that they might figure it out.”

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