The Chilliwack River on Nov. 17. Since then the river has risen two metres and on Nov. 21 a high streamflow advisory was issued. (Paul Henderson/ The Progress)

The Chilliwack River on Nov. 17. Since then the river has risen two metres and on Nov. 21 a high streamflow advisory was issued. (Paul Henderson/ The Progress)

UPDATE: High streamflow advisory issued for Chilliwack River

River levels rising fast at Vedder gauge

With continued heavy rains in the region people are warned to stay away from the banks of the fast-rising Chilliwack/Vedder River.


The River Forecast Centre issued a high streamflow advisory for much of the southcoast, including the Fraser Valley and the Chilliwack River, Coquihalla River and surrounding tributaries.


The storm cycle that hit Tuesday was expected to continue until at least Thursday.

Heavy rainfall hit adding to the already wet November.

By Thursday, Chilliwack saw 179.9 millimetres (mm) of rain over 16 days, heading to the average of 239 mm on 19 days, according to Roger Pannett, Chilliwack’s volunteer weather for Environment Canada.


Temperatures, too, are rising with a high record temperature on Nov. 22 of 18.5 C, which is 10.8 C above normal and more than the previous record high of 16.5 C in 2002.

Those warmer temperatures are also causing snowmelt at higher elevations further contributing to river runoff during this storm event.


Chilliwack Progress